Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Winter Has Arrived!

On Friday we had our Rails Rally! We celebrated students that have turned in their reading calendars and students with perfect attendance. Congratulations to: Hannah, Fernando, Chris, and Peyton. Also, we had 87 hours of activity in the month of October and earned a classroom reward! Peyton read a poem about Courage. Click here to watch it. (Sorry it is sideways!)

More snow is coming down, drive safe!

Newsletter 11/11/2014 click here.

Veterans Day has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, November 18th. Please return the bottom portion of the letter that was sent home today, Tuesday, November 11th.

A Communication letter regarding a program called Remind was sent home. Please complete the bottom and return by Friday.

Lastly, we are collecting COINS for Chris who recently had a brain tumor removed. Thank you for whatever your participation is in this! Coins can be sent in every day, Tuesday-Friday.