We have been working on different learning apps and websites. Feel free to check them out with your child:
Epic (Reading): https://www.getepic.com/app/
Login: smithm@spooner.k12.wi.us
Password: sessmithm
Choose student and they need to input their lunch number
Reflex Math: https://www.reflexmath.com/launch?1443809557677
Username: sessmithm
Click Third Grade 2015
Choose student and they need to input their lunch number
Google Drive (homework and in class activities): https://drive.google.com/
Username: first name, three of last name (no spaces) @stuemail.spooner.k12.wi.us
Password: Lunch number twice
Learning.com (Keyboarding): http://login.learning.com/
Username: first name, three of last name (no spaces)
Password: Lunch number
IXL, BrainPop, Khan Academy, TenMarks and Raz Kids coming soon