Wednesday, November 19, 2014


We earned a LAZY Day as a behavior reward, but it really was a comfy day! We worked hard while bring comfy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Veteran's Day

We had a wonderful Veteran's Day program today. Here are a few photos from the program:

Coins for Chris

An awesome amount was brought in for Coins for Chris. His family is very appreciative!

K:  $144.35

1:  $120.90

2:  $355.73

3:  $612.96

4:  $173.49

Staff:  $127.61

Total:  $1,535.04

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Busy Monday

We had a very busy, but really great Monday!

This week's Newsletter click here.

Tomorrow is LAZY DAY in our classroom. No, we will not be lazy all day, but instead be COMFY! Students can bring in a pillow, blanket, and slippers to have in the classroom. We will still have our normal day, but the class has earned this as a reward. Tomorrow is also our Veteran’s Day program, so students should wear red, white, and blue if they don’t have CAMO to wear for Art class. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Winter Has Arrived!

On Friday we had our Rails Rally! We celebrated students that have turned in their reading calendars and students with perfect attendance. Congratulations to: Hannah, Fernando, Chris, and Peyton. Also, we had 87 hours of activity in the month of October and earned a classroom reward! Peyton read a poem about Courage. Click here to watch it. (Sorry it is sideways!)

More snow is coming down, drive safe!

Newsletter 11/11/2014 click here.

Veterans Day has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, November 18th. Please return the bottom portion of the letter that was sent home today, Tuesday, November 11th.

A Communication letter regarding a program called Remind was sent home. Please complete the bottom and return by Friday.

Lastly, we are collecting COINS for Chris who recently had a brain tumor removed. Thank you for whatever your participation is in this! Coins can be sent in every day, Tuesday-Friday.

Monday, November 3, 2014

It's Feeling Like Winter

Remember that the weather is getting a little chilly. Students should have hats, gloves, and a winter coat handy.

Newsletter for the week, click here.

Last Friday was black and orange day. Here's a picture of our class on the fun day!