Friday, December 21, 2012

SES Christmas Program 2012

Today we had the SES programs. All students did a wonderful job!

If you missed it or would like to save the memory forever, click on the links below.

(Please open and download to your home computer to keep! They will only be available on my Google Drive until January 15th. They take up a lot of needed space.)

2nd Grade Christmas Program Beginning

2nd Grade Piano Students

2nd Grade Christmas Program End

2nd Grade Christmas Program Pictures

If you'd like a digital copy of any other grade level program, please email me at

Thank you Mr. Kern for all your hard work with our students!

December 21st SES Sing-a-long pictures and videos: SES Sing-a-long 2012

What a week to end 2012!

What a great week!

Be sure to check out my other posts from today and yesterday about the Christmas Program and our Donors Choose Project.

Also, check out the student created blog by clicking "Students in Room 121" at the top of the page.

Here is a picture of Anna. She won the Fire Safety Poster Contest last year!

We did a great job filling up the boxes around the giving tree at SES!

Here are some pictures from our Program. You can view all the other photos and video on the Christmas Program post.

The wreaths were so pretty, so we decided to go take a picture!

We made snowflakes and sent them to Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. They will use them to decorate their new elementary school.

Here is a picture from our Christmas Sing-a-long on Friday. You can view more pictures from the sing-a-long on the Christmas Program post. We sang The First Noel.

Click this link to watch the video of us singing! Sing-a-long 2012
Lincoln and Amberiel received letters back from the veteran they wrote to on Veteran's Day. It was fun to read the letters and learn all about the veteran, Mahlon who served in Greenland and Thule.

This week we made covers to our art books. We cut magazines and made a collage. Click below to see the pictures:
Thanks for a wonderful 2012. Have a wonderful break and a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year to you!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Donors Choose

At the beginning of the school year  I stared a project on Donors Choose to buy new bookshelves for our room. Right now we have big, bulky library carts that take up a lot of space.

We had a few donations right away which were helping us to reach this goal! This week however, we had a huge donation given. We are now only $79 away from reaching our goal and putting new bookshelves in our classroom!

If after the holidays you, or your relatives would like to donate even $5 toward this, we would reach our goal. Thanks!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We Care

Our core value poster of the month has been put up at Spooner Outlet.

Christmas Concert

On Thursday at 12:30 is our Christmas Concert.

Here the the program to see what will be in store for you: Christmas Concert 2012

You are welcome to stop in and say hello after the concert. I would like all students to stay as we will be working on a collage art project and spelling afterward.

I look forward to seeing each of you. I will be posting video after the concert.

Monday, December 17, 2012

We are 69 days into school!

Before I go on to my Monday blog post. I'd like to share a poem with you:

When I look at them,
When I smile at them,
When I hold them,
I realize that I have the universe in my hands.
They are the light of my life.
They are the love of my life.
They are life.

All 16 of my students hold a very dear place in my heart. I look forward to each day I get to teach them, learn with them, and grow with them. Thank you for entrusting me with your children. We are having a wonderful year and I can't wait for the rest!

Our class picture taken by Rick McNitt studio.

Today is our 69th day of 2nd grade. I simply cannot believe it. Where has all the time gone?

Last Friday we made our first student created blog post. Each Friday they will be posting about ten things they did that week. You can check it out by clicking on "Students in Room 121" at the top of this page.

This week is going to be a busy one. Be sure to read about everything on the newsletter: December 17-21 Newsletter

Here are this week's spelling words: Spelling Unit 13

A few reminders: Giving Tree is done this week, our Christmas Program is Thursday at 12:30, wear pajamas on Friday, and bring healthy snacks if you'd like to Friday.

Please feel free to call or email me with questions. Thanks, Mrs. Smith :)

Here is a picture of our door with our, "What Christmas Means to Me" and "What my Family Means to Me" projects on them: Door picture :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The week starts with a snow day!

Sorry this is so late. I can't believe it is already Wednesday. This week we already went shopping, did our spelling preview, took our sentence dictation test, and learned about idioms.

Later in the week I will be sending home a flier about our behavior reward party next week. Take a look at that and some healthy options.

Lastly, we'll be starting to blog this week as a class. As a class we will be writing a blog post, typing it, and adding pictures. Tune back later this week and click on: The Students in Room 121.

This week's newsletter: Newsletter - 12-10-12

This week's spelling words: Unit 12 Spelling Words

Justin was caught in the act of having a caring attitude. Mrs. McKinney posted his picture up on our "Caught in the Act" board. Great job Justin!

Click each word to see a picture from our Holiday Penguin Shoppe


Making Cards

Waiting to Check out

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Create a bridge

In class we are talking about bridges. Our class asked me to post the bridge creation game that we have been playing. It's a great invention and bridge game. Enjoy, click: BRIDGE CREATION.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our finished projects

We finished our Native American totem poles today. Check them out!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The 1st Week in December

December is going to come and go. The next three weeks will fly by as they always do. Here are some important dates:

Tuesday the 4th: Reading Calendars Due

Wednesday the 5th: CLASS PICTURES! Bring your $5 in your envelope if you'd like to order one.

Friday the 7th: Book Orders Due

Monday the 10th: Holiday Shopping Money Due. See the price sheet for and idea on how much money your child should bring:

Thursday the 19th: Christmas Program Rehearsal

Thursday the 20th: Christmas Program at 12:30. We will have a small snack/treat party in the morning.

Friday the 21st: 4th Grade Frosty play

Monday the 24th to January 1st: No School. Merry Christmas and have a happy holiday season!

If you have any questions about any of that, please email or call!

Here is this week's newsletter: 

Unit 11 Spelling Words:

Last Friday we took a trip into the Wild West. Be sure to ask your child about the fun activities we did!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A week rejuvenated!

We're off to another great week!

Remember that we are having Wild West Day on Friday. Feel free to dress up as a cowboy, cowgirl, or a pioneer. We'll be eating some western snacks too!

This week's newsletter:

This week's spelling words:

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tomorrow is blaze orange day

Saturday is hunting opener in Wisconsin and to kick it off SES has decided to invite students to wear blaze orange on Friday. Students can also wear Rails colors/clothes as we always do on Fridays. We'll be a bright looking bunch!

Here is a picture from a presentation that Bob Wanek did on stars:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. We had two wonderful veterans visit our class and talk to us about their experiences and what they learned.

Here is a picture of Ed Halverson:


Here is a picture of Major Brendon Manglos:

We also went to the gym and had a program. Click here to see a photo:

In the hall we posted our thank you cards to our veterans and also made our national symbol, the bald eagle.

A special thank you goes out to all our veterans; past, present and future! We appreciate you!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A week before vacation

Last Thursday was pajama day. We earned the day for our great behavior in October. We are working towards filling up our marble jar for November now.

Today is our last week before our Thanksgiving break. It is a week jammed packed with activities!

This week we'll be attending our Veteran's Program, have veteran visitors, watch a play, and learn about the stars. We also have fall bingo this week.

This is the last week for Sunny D caps, so if you have them, send them in.

Original Works orders are due by Friday. Also, book orders are due in by Friday. I will do one more book order before Christmas.

Here is this week's newsletter:

This week's spelling words:

Malana and her homework land reward:

A funny photo:

Malana won the public library book mark contest, congratulations!

We made animal tracks out of potato engravings. Last week we compared two different types of wood engravings, so I thought this would be a great project!

Today Mr. Anderson came and read to us. We enjoy reading about the Wild West.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day, but we will celebrate tomorrow. Students will be writing letters to our veterans, meeting a few veterans, and we'll have a program at 2:30 for our veterans. Parents, you are more than welcome to come visit after 1:30 to visit with our classroom veterans and to stay for the program. Please call or email if you have any questions.

Monday, November 5, 2012

This week in Mrs. Smith's room!

This week's newsletter:  

This week's spelling words:

Black and Orange Day was last Wednesday. We had a great day and learned a lot too!

Our class:

Our class silly:

During our fall fest activities we made fall bead bracelets and necklaces. Here are some pictures from us making them:,,,,,,

On black and orange day Kevin McMullen came and sang stories with us. Here are some pictures:,,

Homework survey

Please fill out this 5 minute survey on homework:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekly update!

We are in need of these things in our classroom: Sunny D caps, cereal boxes, paper towel roll inside, sugarless gum, class snacks to be used on class snack days. Don't feel like you have to, but if you have them and can send them, please do! Also, remember you can always send Box Tops for Education, Campbells labels, Our Family labels, and Milk Moola Caps.

Here is this week's newsletter:

Here is this week's spelling words:

Family Reading Night was a sports theme. Here is a picture of our class during the school day:

I'll be posting some pictures from the night soon!

Remember: Black and Orange Day is Wednesday and Early Release is on Friday at 12:05.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We seem to have a lot of "mail" each day and I'd like to have the students make mailboxes. Please send in empty cereal boxes, so we can create these. Thanks!

Monday, October 15, 2012

It's a wild week!

We are off to another great week! Today we did hearing screenings! We will be doing our sight screenings on Wednesday. Just a reminder: last week I sent home book orders, they will be need to be returned by Monday, October 22nd.

We are starting Unit 2 in Language Arts this week. We will work on these "i can" statements for the next six weeks:

This week's newsletter:

Spelling words for this week:

Below are some pictures from Homecoming week, enjoy!

Career Day:

Hats off to Healthy Living Day: 

Rails Day:

At the Homecoming Pep Rally:

2nd Grade Football Toss at Pep Rally:,,,,

High Fives to the Athletic Players:,,,

Reading Buddies! Mrs. Smith and Miss Zaloudek's class waiting for the parade:

Doing a Rails cheer:

Watching the parade:,,,

Monday, October 8, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week, along with homecoming. We will have a full week because it is also the last week of unit 1 in language arts. Next Monday our classroom will turn into the wild west!

Here is this week's newsletter:

Some highlights: Check out the Red Ribbon Week Flier a few posts below, Thursday is the turn in date for our fundraising, book orders will go home on Friday, core value t-shirts are available for purchase after school on Wednesday and Thursday and also on Family Reading Night on October 25th.

Here are this week's spelling words: They can also be found in your child's HORSE folder.

Today was: "Being Drug-Free is No Sweat." Here is a picture of our class:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

This week's highlights

This week is a busy week!

Here is this week's newsletter:

On Thursday we will have early release. I will be out of the classroom on that day in a learning session in Turtle Lake. I am excited to bring back some new ideas to our classroom. We will have a wonderful guest teacher on this day. Please send any notes with unusual travel plans. Even early release days are important, we have many items that we will cover that morning.

Thursday and Friday are Parent/Teacher conferences. I have sent a reminder home attached to a survey. Please fill out and return at your conference. Thank you for your continued support of your child.

Last week your fundraising packet went home. If you would rather place your orders online please follow these instructions:
1. Got to
2. Click on: Register Here
3. Our School Id is 7502
4. Enter the student number that is found in the upper corner of your order form that is in your packet. (This is used so that your child gets his/her prizes)
5. You may email these instructions out to family and friends, after you have registered. Good luck selling! We are excited for all the money this fundraiser brings in for SES. Many wonderful things are paid for by this fundraiser! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Grade book

Grades are in the grade book and are up to date! Don't get too worried though, because we're doing assessments a little different this year with the new Common Core Standards. We'll talk about all that at Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday. If you'd like to sign up for family access, click this link for more information:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some weekly happenings!

Here is a picture of three new friends in 2nd grade:

Yesterday we had a presentation from a member of the Spooner Chamber of Commerce. He talked about festivals that happen in different seasons in Spooner. Here is a picture of 2nd grade listening to him:

Today, Thursday, we had a presentation on our fundraiser. It will be going from today until October 11th. While you are selling this product remember to not have your child talk to strangers or go out alone. Also, the should collect all the money as they sell. Here is a picture of two of our classmates trying out one of the prizes:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework Land

We have just begun playing "Homework Land" in our classroom. If a student returns all homework, complete on the due date, they get to play "Homework Land" on that day. Ask your child about it!

Here's a picture:

Pictures and free lunch

Tomorrow is free lunch day at school! Feel free to take advanatage of Johnny Appleseed Day!

Here are some pictures of our Fruit and Veggie presentation on beans yesterday:,, sure to ask about the pickled beans.

Here are some pictures of us during our job time at the end of the day:,,,,

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24th

We are off to another great week!

Last week I did Dibel reading testing on all students. We also did star math testing. If you would like to know how your child did before the Parent/Teacher conferences on October 4th and 5th, just send me an email, give me a call, or stop in before or after school!

I will be working on reading level testing this week. Remember to keep reading with your child every night. It is important that your child read to you at least 15 minutes each night. I know they love to have you read to them, but it is really important that you let them read to you too. By asking questions after they read you are helping them to comprehend more of what they are reading also!

We have begun doing addition and subtraction timed tests each Wednesday. Students need to complete each test in around three minutes and all answers have to be correct. These will be sent home on Thursday. Please work on any problems that your child got incorrect. Thanks!

Here is the weekly newsletter. There are lots of goodies on it including information on my Donors Choose page, some school supplies our class needs and what we are up to this week. I hope you take a peek. Plus, I am giving students the chance to earn a reward if they read it with you!

I look forward to this week and all that it has to offer. This week I will be meeting with our principal, Mr. Anderson and discuss my personal goal for the year. My goal is that I will implement into our weekly math routine. By doing this I hope that your child will be able to also use it at home. Have a wonderful week.

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Monday!

It was a great Monday today! We worked on addition relating to subtraction, weather and writing using paragraphs.

Here is the weekly newsletter: There are lots of goodies on there!

Be sure to look in your child's HORSE folder. New work comes home each night! Don't forget to sign the Friday connection form each Friday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Donors Choose!

I recently started using Donors Choose to get a few more resources and items for our classroom. In this project I am raising funds for two new bookshelves in our classroom. After this project I will be raising funds for one or more ipads for our classroom.

Feel free to visit the website at:

Working in our new desks!

Here's a new picture of our classroom working on a reading project:

Monday, September 10, 2012

2nd we come!

We started the week off just great! This week we will be doing a lot of exciting, new things in 2nd grade. We started sketching with Mrs. Shipman in art and we had bus safety. This week we will be making time capsules and our pencil cans. Remember...tomorrow is school picture day!!!!

I want to make a shout out to our principal, our superintendent and our school board who approved us getting new tables. Our classroom is brighter and cleaner with these new additions to our classroom.

This month's core value is citizenship. We think "School Rules" at SES. You can see our poster after tomorrow at Spooner Outlet, or click the link to see a photo of it:

Photo of our new tables:

Our weekly newsletter:

If you get a chance look at all the important classroom information to the right of this blog. There are so many important papers to let you know what is happening in our classroom!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today I changed our passwords to IXL! Please visit: Here you will need to put your first letter of your first name and your last name in as your username. (example: Melissa Smith is msmith) and then you will need to put your lunch number in as your password. This website is an awesome math tool with a lot of fun games!

We also signed up for Brain Pop and Brain Pop Junior at the Elementary School. Please visit: You will need to log in as: spoonerelementary. The password is school. This website has a lot of fun activities to go along with what we are learning in language arts, science, and social studies.

There is so many great resources out there to use for learning, so have fun!

Just a reminder. My raz-kids username is mrssmith121.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 1 of 2nd grade

Today was our 1st day of 2nd grade. Here's what we did today:

1. Learned about our morning routine...attendance, lunch, morning message, morning meeting, morning calendar math, and HORSE folders!

2. We took a spelling test on colors.

3. We talked about summer and school starting. We also read an awesome book called, "New Pencils, New Books."

4. We wrote down as many numbers as we could between 1 and 100.

5. We learned what our classroom jobs are in our classroom and picked one!

6. We went to phy. ed. and technology class.

7. We took a tour of the school and found our new art teacher's room.

8. We talked a lot about school rules, classroom rules, body basics, voice levels, above the line behavior and line rules. We are going to earn marbles for great behavior.

9. We labeled all of our notebooks, folders, and books.

I am sure we did a lot more than that, but we hit the ground running today and I know that we are off to a wonderful 2nd grade year.

Here is a picture from our 1st day:!

- Mrs. Smith

1st day in 2nd grade!

We are off to a great 1st day in 2nd grade! We have already learned about all our classroom rules, body basics, voice levels, our schedule, the lunchroom, morning meeting, and have labeled all our folders with our name. After lunch we will be going to physical education, the computer lab and we will even be taking a math and spelling test. If you would like to see our classroom on our first day, there are pictures below.

Tonight remember to look through the HORSE folder with your child and read the weekly newsletter. (Also, attached here: Let me know if you have any questions. :) Mrs. Smith

Pictures of our classroom:,, and

Monday, September 3, 2012

Great online resources

To the left of this post is a spot where I have placed great online resources. I would highly encourage you to use these with or without your child. I handed out a piece of paper at open house that has your child's username and password on it. This is a great math tool. Click on the link to the username is mrssmith121.

Any educational games and books outside of our classroom just improve your child's learning. If you have any questions about any of the links, feel free to ask! - - - Mrs. Smith

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Open House...August 29th

Open house is coming on Wednesday, August 29th from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m.!

This is such a wonderful time for students to come in and meet their new teachers. In our classroom I will be giving out a lot of paperwork, talking about our classroom, and finding out a lot about my students. Students can also bring in their school supplies and pick their desk. It will be a very enjoyable time!

I sent out a challenge to my students this week for each of them to bring in a drawing of their favorite season. I look forward to seeing these on the 29th.

At open house families will get a chance to see many of the clubs and activities that happen at SES and they will also be given a chance to go to our Buy One, Get One Free book fair. You aren't going to want to miss this awesome book buying experience.

Be sure to mark your time down on your calendar and come visit on August 29th!

Monday, June 4, 2012

What a year!

It has been one awesome year that has went by too quick. We measured ourselves the other day and students had grown from 1/2 inch to 3 and 3/4 inch. I wasn't too surprised though because through all the pictures I have been taking I have seen each and everyone one of my students change and grow. This year they have taught me so much and I know they have learned a lot. I am excited to pass them on to 4th grade because I know that I had 16 wonderful students who will bring great joy to our 4th grade teachers. I will miss my students a lot but I know they will come back to visit. Have a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Change...A simple word, but a hard concept. As an educator I am constantly reminded how I need to change to grow with my students. This year we started with new curriculum, Common Core. It is an amazing set of standards that really helps us, as educators, to teach in an exciting manner. We are also being introduced to new Google blogs, Google documents, and Google calendars. While these things are hard at times to understand, they are new and exciting and they are what our future generations will be about. I am excited to learn about these things and other new things that come our way. Today my students are going to get the chance to do Face time on an ipad with our pen pals in Cumberland, Wisconsin. How cool! They are excited to go on a virtual field trip! We are in an exciting time. Don't get stuck behind because you are afraid of change, instead go forward and live with the change and see how you can make it even better. We are constantly growing and changing!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Last week was "Be Green Week." I loved all the activities that we had going on around school. We had students picking up trash and planting. I enjoyed that our students felt a part of our world and knew that what they do today affects tomorrow. As a class we sanded, painted and decorated recycling bins. It was fun to see the recycling bins through that whole process. The recycle bins that were decorated by the entire school are now on display throughout SES. If you get a chance, come take a peak at them! It is exciting to see students learn more and more about what they can accomplish every day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saying good-bye

This week we will say good-bye to one of my students. It is my first student to have to say good-bye to and I am not sure that I am quite ready for it. All year we have been learning and growing with each other and it is strange that next week she will be in another classroom learning and growing with another teacher. Through this process I have learned how to say good-bye better though. I am having her give closure to her pen pal, her reading buddy and to her classmates. I am typing up notes for her new teacher and encouraging each of my students to make the time with her be precious. I am also planning a mini good-bye party filled with thoughts and snacks. Although I know the end of the year will bring many more good-byes and good lucks for next year, I am grateful for the time I have with each of my students right now. Remember that , hold precious the time you have before you say good-bye.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The big huge classroom!

Everywhere is a classroom. The more I teach, the more I find that there are classrooms hidden all over. The dinner table is a subtraction plate, subtracting peaches and pears as they are ate. The stoplight is a counting tool, where we count how many seconds we have sat there. The bed is a journey to any country you would like. The sandbox is a measuring bowl, and we can see how many small buckets fit into big buckets. The garage is a place filled with science discoveries. I want to encourage you today to use where you are each day to learn and teach and grow. There are places all over that will help us learn what we need to know. Enjoy your classrooms!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This past week we received a wonderful break of five days. During this time I did a lot of spring cleaning, spent a lot time outdoors and even worked a little on my hobby, scrap-booking. Before I went on this break I did however spend close to six hours preparing for the coming week. My note to you today is that even as we approach little "breaks" in our lives remember to prepare for what is to come. Don't just sit back and let what happens, happen. Instead plan and prepare. In the end, this makes the break that comes a million times more worth while because you can just sit back and enjoy. As summer approaches make a plan as to how you will continue to learn and grow in reading, math, music, art, science, and physically this summer so that when the break gets here you will know how to use the break as best as you can.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter love and joy!

Easter! Easter is approaching and I thought a blog about Easter would be appropriate. About five minutes ago I walked through our library and overheard a story about the Easter bunny. What I noticed was that a student asked whether the Easter bunny was real or fake? The wonderful teacher in there responded perfectly. She said, "It does not matter whether the Easter bunny is real or fake, but rather think about what the Easter bunny stands for: love and joy with family." I want to encourage you today that whether you celebrate Easter with a bunny, with family, with Jesus, or any other tradition, that you continue to have love and joy. I am encouraged this week to teach my students how to show love and joy through stories about Pysanky eggs and through other Easter activities. They will learn language skills while learning life skills. Continue to use every situation to learn many different things. Enjoy your Easter break!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Family Math Day was a huge success. We had many families here and ready to play math games and learn. The halls were busy as families made their way to over 50 math games, computer math, math in music, math in phy. ed., Spanish math, the book fair, hall games, and animal balloons. I believe that everyone that attended enjoyed the day. This being my first year I did not know what to expect. After the day happened I am glad to still say that it was a wonderful day and am already excited for next year. Success takes a lot of people. It took me, our principal, more than 30 community volunteers, more than 30 high school volunteers, five Kohl's volunteers, and our entire staff to plan and execute this wonderful day. Remember to think about that in any area of life...success is not just based on you, but rather, everything around you. Be successful today! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Math Day - March 23rd

There is an important event coming up at Spooner Elementary Schcool on March 23rd. Family Math Day is an event that involves parents, teachers, students, and the community. It is a wonderful way for students to learn practical ways to learn math. We will be having special features like "Math in Music," animal balloons, a book fair, and "Math in Phy. Ed." It will be a wonderful event and we hope to see you there. If you'd like to get involved just send me an email at I look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Enjoy today!

As I watched the rain wash away all the beautiful snow this weekend it came to mind how little we enjoy today. We rush and rush to get through what we need to, to get on to the next task on hand. On Thursday the 3rd grade enjoyed a sledding party to enjoy the snow while it lasted. How amazing that in a week it would all be gone. I am glad that we took this extra half hour to enjoy the snow. While this is not intentional academic learning, students still learn much needed social skills and learn how they need fresh air and exercise. Also, laughter is still said to be the best medicine. Academics fall right into that enjoying today. We need to learn how to enjoy teaching our children so that they enjoy learning. Learning does not have to be sitting in front of a math book anymore. Learning is hands on and enjoyable. I encourage you to enjoy learning with your child so that they may enjoy learning!

If you would like to learn how to enjoy math, come visit Family Math Day on March 23rd. Information was sent home Friday and will be posted to the webpage soon. Email me if you need any more information or have questions! (

Enjoy today! Mrs. Smith