Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Family Math Day was a huge success. We had many families here and ready to play math games and learn. The halls were busy as families made their way to over 50 math games, computer math, math in music, math in phy. ed., Spanish math, the book fair, hall games, and animal balloons. I believe that everyone that attended enjoyed the day. This being my first year I did not know what to expect. After the day happened I am glad to still say that it was a wonderful day and am already excited for next year. Success takes a lot of people. It took me, our principal, more than 30 community volunteers, more than 30 high school volunteers, five Kohl's volunteers, and our entire staff to plan and execute this wonderful day. Remember to think about that in any area of life...success is not just based on you, but rather, everything around you. Be successful today! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Math Day - March 23rd

There is an important event coming up at Spooner Elementary Schcool on March 23rd. Family Math Day is an event that involves parents, teachers, students, and the community. It is a wonderful way for students to learn practical ways to learn math. We will be having special features like "Math in Music," animal balloons, a book fair, and "Math in Phy. Ed." It will be a wonderful event and we hope to see you there. If you'd like to get involved just send me an email at smithm@spooner.k12.wi.us. I look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Enjoy today!

As I watched the rain wash away all the beautiful snow this weekend it came to mind how little we enjoy today. We rush and rush to get through what we need to, to get on to the next task on hand. On Thursday the 3rd grade enjoyed a sledding party to enjoy the snow while it lasted. How amazing that in a week it would all be gone. I am glad that we took this extra half hour to enjoy the snow. While this is not intentional academic learning, students still learn much needed social skills and learn how they need fresh air and exercise. Also, laughter is still said to be the best medicine. Academics fall right into that enjoying today. We need to learn how to enjoy teaching our children so that they enjoy learning. Learning does not have to be sitting in front of a math book anymore. Learning is hands on and enjoyable. I encourage you to enjoy learning with your child so that they may enjoy learning!

If you would like to learn how to enjoy math, come visit Family Math Day on March 23rd. Information was sent home Friday and will be posted to the webpage soon. Email me if you need any more information or have questions! (smithm@spooner.k12.wi.us)

Enjoy today! Mrs. Smith

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I sit here and wonder where last week went. I think back to all the wonderful moments and all the busy things I did. We are people of busy schedules. Between school, sports, church, other work, house work, kids, cleaning, and the many other projects we have going on, we stay very busy. Many people would say that this busy stuff we fill our life with is not good for our kids, or for ourselves, but I beg to disagree. Throughout my life I have stayed busy. I have played many sports and done well academically, I have worked 40 hours and raised two wonderful children. I got married during college and also made the dean's list. I think busy is all what we make it. I think busy can be a bad thing if it is not handled correctly. Priorities are what should run our life. Find the things that keep you busy and put them in order, and then stick to that order. When you do this, busy is not a thing to hate, but rather the joy of life. Enjoy this week and keep "busy"!