Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Breaks are a wonderful thing. They give us a chance to sit back and look over our life and see what areas we have been skipping out on. Today my motivational thought to you is that on each break you get with your child, whether it be ten minutes each night or a three day weekened, that you would take a peek at what they are up to in their education and in their life. It is not that you have not been doing this each day, but on the breaks really take time to really get to know what they are up to. It is in these breaks that you will get to know your child and see how you can help him or her and how they can help you. I know this is what I did yesterday with my children and what I will continue to do in each break I get with them.

Have a wonderful week! Mrs. Smith

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sorry...where does the time go?

I am sitting here on Wednesday night and wondering where does the time go? I feel bad that I didn't write my Monday blog post, but am happy to say that my classroom has been wrapped up in lots of learning. We finished our inventions last week and presented them to a classroom full of families. I was thrilled at the wonderful jobs that my students did. Now it is the day after Valentine's Day, a day that was filled with learning through the valentine theme. We decorated boxes, talked about love, did heart math, played valentine games and worked with valentine words. Yesterday had us zoom right into today. So, I am here to say sorry that I did not post on Monday, but say thank you to a wonderful three days of learning that make me realize how wonderful each moment is.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February, A Great Learning Month!

This month is a very exciting month. It contains many learning moments, that I am going to truly enjoy. We are learning about trustworthiness as our core value and what it means to be a good friend. This value goes right along with Valentine's day and love. In my classroom we are trying to say at least one nice thing to a person every single day. Not a bad goal to have, right? February is also Dental Health and Heart Health month. We will be learning about brushing our teeth correctly and will have a few visitors to talk about that. We have been averaging around 30 brushes a day as a class. (We keep count on our white board!) February is also Black History Month and we have President's Day off from school. It is amazing the lessons we can learn from those who have been here before us. Lastly, we will conclude our creative, inventive and notable people with an Invention Convention. What and exciting month it is! I am excited as usual to learn many new things this month rigth along with my wonderful students! Happy February!