Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This week February 19th-22nd

I feel a little silly right now because I completely forgot to save this week's copy of the newsletter, so I'll just give you a few highlights from it! Hopefully you kept your hard copy at home.

1. We are in need of LYSOL wipes. It seems as though we have cleaned our desks too much! If you have a chance to grab a container or two, that would be wonderful!

2. We have new posters hanging up at iPlay and Spooner Outlet. They are on our core value, Trustworthiness.

3. No spelling words this week, just practicing the Spelling Bee words.

4. Jump Rope for the Heart is on Friday. Please return your packets by then.

5. I am teaching a night class on today's technology. If you are interested in taking a class on iPads, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Blogs, Google Drive, or SmartBoard please check out the information from the link below:

It is a short, but filling week! I look forward to learning with your child and teaching your child this week! - Mrs. Smith

PS: Last week Justin passed all his addition and subtraction facts. Here he is with his reward! The first three students done earned a special reward.