Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some Excitement Around Here!

If you'd like to digitally save your student's Original Works drawing, you can find them here: Original Works 2014

We earned $1,000 bonus through the Donors Choose Family and Friend Challenge. Thank you to the parents who helped us reach this goal. The students decided to get more bean bag chairs, Wobble stools, and some new board games with this money. Here is a mini movie of me announcing that we made the $1,000 goal:

Through this challenge we also fully funded a summer project and are very close to fully funding our classroom and art supply project. You can still donate to our other classroom projects through Donors Choose at Even $1 helps! Currently we have a project for classroom and art supplies and also a project for iPad keyboards will be posting soon.

Also, back in December I applied for a Spooner Education Foundation grant. We were awarded $180 and purchases three iPad keyboards to use in our classroom. Here is a picture of us with the iPads and new keyboards: