Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I sit here and wonder where last week went. I think back to all the wonderful moments and all the busy things I did. We are people of busy schedules. Between school, sports, church, other work, house work, kids, cleaning, and the many other projects we have going on, we stay very busy. Many people would say that this busy stuff we fill our life with is not good for our kids, or for ourselves, but I beg to disagree. Throughout my life I have stayed busy. I have played many sports and done well academically, I have worked 40 hours and raised two wonderful children. I got married during college and also made the dean's list. I think busy is all what we make it. I think busy can be a bad thing if it is not handled correctly. Priorities are what should run our life. Find the things that keep you busy and put them in order, and then stick to that order. When you do this, busy is not a thing to hate, but rather the joy of life. Enjoy this week and keep "busy"!