Friday, December 21, 2012

What a week to end 2012!

What a great week!

Be sure to check out my other posts from today and yesterday about the Christmas Program and our Donors Choose Project.

Also, check out the student created blog by clicking "Students in Room 121" at the top of the page.

Here is a picture of Anna. She won the Fire Safety Poster Contest last year!

We did a great job filling up the boxes around the giving tree at SES!

Here are some pictures from our Program. You can view all the other photos and video on the Christmas Program post.

The wreaths were so pretty, so we decided to go take a picture!

We made snowflakes and sent them to Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. They will use them to decorate their new elementary school.

Here is a picture from our Christmas Sing-a-long on Friday. You can view more pictures from the sing-a-long on the Christmas Program post. We sang The First Noel.

Click this link to watch the video of us singing! Sing-a-long 2012
Lincoln and Amberiel received letters back from the veteran they wrote to on Veteran's Day. It was fun to read the letters and learn all about the veteran, Mahlon who served in Greenland and Thule.

This week we made covers to our art books. We cut magazines and made a collage. Click below to see the pictures:
Thanks for a wonderful 2012. Have a wonderful break and a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year to you!