Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saying good-bye

This week we will say good-bye to one of my students. It is my first student to have to say good-bye to and I am not sure that I am quite ready for it. All year we have been learning and growing with each other and it is strange that next week she will be in another classroom learning and growing with another teacher. Through this process I have learned how to say good-bye better though. I am having her give closure to her pen pal, her reading buddy and to her classmates. I am typing up notes for her new teacher and encouraging each of my students to make the time with her be precious. I am also planning a mini good-bye party filled with thoughts and snacks. Although I know the end of the year will bring many more good-byes and good lucks for next year, I am grateful for the time I have with each of my students right now. Remember that , hold precious the time you have before you say good-bye.